The Crying Blades Houserules is an OSR fantasy roleplaying game,
built on the fundation of the tradition and with a few innovations and twists.
It was inspired mostly by Lamentations of the Flame Princess and by
Swords & Wizardry, but many other games also had a significant influence
on the design, from WhiteHack to BlackHack, from Dungeon World to Fate.
The game introduces a few innovations, such as a random talents system
for the various classes that replaces abilities, three different equipment-systems
(one based on a die size, one on numbered slots, and a traditional one
with weight-per-item). It uses regular attributes checks for actions, and
Saving Throws linked to attributes, with some class-modifiers.
Sorcery and clerical blessings do not require to memorize spells
but use a simple count to determine how many can be cast per day.
The leveling up system is simple and all classes need the same
amount of XP per level. Sorcerers and Clerics, though, need to pay XP
to improve their power-matrix and to acquire new spells.
The beta period is over
A new updated version of the manuals
is being released in 2022-2023 both
on DriveThruRpg and on Lulu
Manuals are available also in print, via DriveThruRpg and via Lulu
You can get them cheap and handy on DriveThruRpg, or with a classy
hardcover on Lulu. Pick your poison