Issue I contains: a presentation, a few house-rules,
including character creation, an introductory adventure in Flussburg,
a couple of magic trees, some undead and trolls
Issue II contains: how to portray the world, rules for
encumbrance and gear, guidelines on dice rolls, short
adventure seeds for improvisation, witches and smart zombies!
Issue III contains: adventures' structure, tables to
generate new adventures, a few adventure hooks, house-rules
for combat and healing, and creatures, creatures, creatures
Issue IV contains: guidelines about social interactions with NPCs,
instructions for designing NPCs, skills and experience house-rules,
an adventure on a dangerous mountain pass, advice on setting up a campaign
Issue V contains: short house-rules for sorcery,
the Turn-Dice rules for the GM, complete summary of all Black Dogs rules,
character sheets for your campaign, characters’ careers for quicker char-gen
Issue VI contains: instructions for Saves, skill and rolls
conversion from LotFP, medical herbs, common and rare, more details
about many creatures and a few alternative tables for adventures
Issue VII contains: creatures that are not elves, some words
about dwarfs, quick-start adventuring gear, an adventure
in Balthergar and some swamp monsters
Issue VIII contains: using dead monsters, a new alchemy subsystem,
removing hit-points and using only HD, a mini-system for Blood Magic,
how not to use goblins in your game, and the adventure of the Broken Hill
If you like this project and you'd like to join
I am always happy to welcome new recruits.
Write me an email to me and let me know what you think
you can do for the 'zine: I always need editors,
artists, and especially people with interesting ideas
ready to produce quality content!